Here's step number one... LOADS of little blocks! Thirty six a mixture of different reds and different beige backgrounds.
The border of this section was a left over piece of fabric from the Underground Railroad Quilt I made for a library display. The blocks weren't difficult but squaring up the blocks seemed to take forever. This step is 15"X 15".
The next step in the mystery quilt was made of nine patches! Each square in the nine patch is 1.5" square. After stretching my brain, directions confused me, I decided it would work easily if I cut 3 dark pieces 1.5" X 5.5" and three light pieces 1.5" X 5.5" After sewing dark/light/dark and light/dark/light I would cut each section into 1.5" strips. Forty nine patches each measuring 3.5".
Here's the second step! Yeah! Of course all my friends are on step five, Yikes! But I'm at an advantage. I see all the steps that they have completed. There really is a method to my madness!
I already know what's next HA! Watch for the next step.