Monday, August 14, 2017

Paper Doll Quilt for Molly

Molly is my Great Granddaughter and will be six years old on her birthday!  I made her a Paper Doll quilt for her birthday.  I loved paper dolls when I was young, spending hours dressing and redressing them.  Molly needed a paper doll quilt! (Thanks Pinterest for the idea)  But I didn't have a pattern... SO I enlarged a blank paper doll I found and then added hair and shoes.

The doll has velcro on the shoulders, waist and in her hair for bows!  The Doll had to have outfits that will provide hours and hours of joy!
Of course she needs to have several outfits to wear!  Such fun making the outfits for Molly to change!     I had such a great time making the outfits.  Here are the darling outfits!

Bows were included in the package for each outfit

I loved choosing the fabric for the outfits! Lady bugs, bees, flowers, scotty dogs and of course there had to be out outfit with an owl!  Wish I could have found a bit of fabric with a unicorn.

                       Wonder what Molly will name her?

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Making Progress

The medallion quilt is beginning to take shape!  Yeah!  I finished the step and  I've added the half squares all around the outside of the quilt.  Next step is a vertical row of star blocks (do love star blocks).  BUT  I changed the pattern.  The original pattern had the star blocks attached to the side of the half squares.  Points not matching just made me want to put the quilt unfinished in the Good Will Box.  My friend, Rita, suggested adding a small border between the half squares and the star blocks.

Oh the change it made! It won't go into the Good Will Box now!
Next step is a vertical row of houses on the left hand side.