Saturday, March 24, 2018

Left Overs

While digging in the drawer, I found two bags of left over fabrics from previously made quilts!  Had a great couple of days sorting, arranging and preparing a couple of small quilting projects.   

One bag contained half square triangles of a variety of color.  Love scrappy half square triangles!
Second bag contained the left over fabric from the Mama's Kitchen fabric line.  The fabric has to be one of my all time favorites.  Reminds me of my mom and the kitchen in the house on Mill Drive where I grew up.

The half square triangle long table runner is complete.

Not my best machine quilting but learning new skills on a new machine is an adventure.  Just need more practice.  The half squares were done using Ruler Work.  It's a big learning curve:  attach the ruler foot to the machine, hold the ruler in postion with one hand, move the quilt with the other hand, all the while watch were you are going. Whew!  At present, I have a straight and a curved ruler.  Goodness, not as easy as it looks on Youtube. 

Mama's Kitchen Project
Just beginning this project.  The photos here are the beginnings!  Stay tuned for more! Will be thinking of my mom today as I work on this project.