Monday, May 25, 2020

More Completed Project

Here are a few completed projects during my stay at home time during COVID - 19.

Pink Tea Squares

I found these panel squares in a bag in the cupboard.  Would you believe the label on the bag said "Cloth World"?  Goodness,  Cloth World has been gone for years and years.   So I set them "Wonky" and added sashing in two colors of pink.  

So enjoyed doing the free motion quilting - Wishbones and Ribbon Candy!  Was so pleased when it was completed, wish I would have done this long, long ago.

Lori Holt Flowers

I purchased Lori Holt's plastic templates in the past with the intention of making a quilt.  Well, that time passed and the quilt was never begun.  So I made the flowers and added them to a small quilt that I'll hang or use as a table topper.   Lots of hand work and machine embroidery!  
Sure glad I didn't attempt the quilt.  It would probably never been completed.

Blue Scrappy Snail Trail
     I have always loved the movement in the Snail Trail Quilt.  When I watched the tutorial video by Teresa DownUnder on YouTube I knew it was easier than I had anticipated.  So I got out the Blue Scrap Bin and got to work.  Here's the results.  The machine quilting was done in swirls similar to Christina Camelli's 
tutorial video.

The fabric is all left overs from other projects. The square on the back was my practice square following the video. This quilt will be donated to Orange County Council on Aging, Smile Maker Program, for seniors celebrating 100 years of life.