Thursday, December 31, 2020

Last Project of 2020

 I finished this Ten Stitch Blanket in 2020 with a whole 10 hours to spare!  Yeah Me!

This knitted lap blanket will be donated to Council on Aging to be given to a special person who will love the warmth on their knees.  

Happy New Year to everyone and praying that 2021 will be much better year for everyone!  A year filled with Joy, Health and Time to spend with quilting groups, knitting groups and friends!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Just A Little Christmas

Searching through the Christmas Fabric was a blast from the past.  I decided to make a small lap quilt using some 2.5" strips and a snowman panel purchased years ago.

So this is the result, a 48" X 56" lap quilt using a variety of Christmas fabrics.

There are reindeer, snowmen, holly leaves, gingerbread men, packages, polka dots, ornaments, Santa and poinsettia!
All of these fabrics blended into one happy quilt.

Don't know when or why I bought this panel.  I love snowmen at Christmas, so I guess I had planned to do something with these happy men.  It is a perfect back!

Decided that I would sent this quilt to my sister in hopes that she will find it happy and add joy to her Christmas!