Monday, January 9, 2017

Flat House for Fiona

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a family that went by the name of Flats. Everything in their world was FLAT. When opened, the Flats House pops open for hours of imaginative play. The walls then fold in toward the center and the handles come together to carry at.

Button flowers in the flower boxes and Topiary beside the front door add to the curb appeal.

This just had to be a Third Birthday Present for Great Granddaughter Fiona!   The pattern was designed by Angela Yosten and was found on Pinterest. 

I thought it would be easy for Fiona to carry and enjoy with any of the toy characters she already owns.   Had a wonderful time choosing the fabrics, not so fun to trace all the pieces on the wonder under, fuse it and cut out the shapes.  I did change the inside design. The orginial pattern had a couch.  Looked like square boxes and did not appeal to me. So  I changed it to be a bed.  


The pictures, flowers and an owl, above the bed reflect the things that I love and hopefully will remind Fiona of me!  

I hope Fiona will enjoy the Flat House and spend many happy hours playing! Happy Birthday Fiona!  Love You!